Home School Agreement
Every school is required by law to have a Home School Agreement. This is to ensure that families and schools are working together to support children’s learning and development in the best possible way. You will be asked to read and sign the agreement when your child starts at Clarendon School. You can find a copy below.
We aim to work in partnership with parents and carers, and our home-school agreement makes clear the ways in which parents, pupils and staff are expected to work together to ensure the best learning opportunities.
Parents are welcome to visit the school and speak to a member of the headship team, without an appointment, between 9.00am and 9.30am daily, or by appointment at any other time. Regular newsletters are sent home to keep parents informed of recent or forthcoming events and the achievements of pupils. We also offer more formal opportunities each term for parent/ teacher consultations, when a pupil’s progress and Individual Education Plan (IEP) can be discussed and celebrated.