Pupil Attendance
Children’s attainment and achievement is directly linked to a higher school attendance. According to school data children who are persistently absent regularly miss their targets and miss out.
Pupils are expected to attain a minimum of 95% attendance or above – this means no more than 10 days leave within the school year. All students compete for attendance awards each term.
Parents are advised not to book holidays in term time. Such absence will be considered “un-authorised”. Please inform the school office as soon as possible in the case of a pupil being unwell, and preferably in advance of medical appointments where those are unavoidable in school time.
If your son/daughter feels unwell or has had an accident, he or she must report it to a teacher straight away. They will be sent to the medical room where Clarendon’s Health and Wellbeing Lead will take care of them. If a student is too ill to remain in school, parents will be contacted in order for suitable arrangements to be made