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Pastoral & Therapies

The provision of effective pastoral care is central to the life and work of Clarendon. Through a combination of personal example, detailed attention paid to the needs of each individual pupil and through the existence of a nurturing ethos in which respect and concern for every individual is paramount, Clarendon aims to create an environment in which pupils feel secure and their behaviour is respectful of others and the overall school charter.

Clarendon recognises the importance and impact of effective therapy provision. 

We have a full time Occupational Therapist and two Occupational Therapy assistants, two Speech and Language Therapists and a Speech and Language Therapy assistant. We also have a Physiotherapist, Art Therapist, Psycho-Therapeutic Counsellor, Family Therapy and one day per week Educational Psychologist.

Our Occupational and Speech and Language Therapists work alongside class teachers to ensure that all pupils benefit from a comprehensive and integral programme of therapy, as well as providing individual or small group programmes and support as required.

“Staff have created a very safe environment for pupils to thrive. Parents and carers agree that their children are cared for extremely well.”  Ofsted June 2014

We pride ourselves on our experienced and specialist staff including teaching, care and health staff and on the fact that we can offer a full and broad range of curriculum subjects and other out of school hours experiences in a caring and supportive environment.

We recognise the importance that parents and carers place on the need for their child to develop, grow in confidence and skills so that they are fully prepared for adult life and are as independent and successful as possible.

We strive for the overall improvement and achievement in pupils’ studies but also in the sports, music, drama and arts activities that we have on offer. We also know that they will all be individual with their own specific strengths, qualities and interests as well as individual needs and we endeavour to ensure that these are specifically catered for.

Most of all, we know just how precious and individual each and every child is, and we recognise the importance of nurturing and supporting them when they are entrusted to our care. We take the safeguarding and care of all of our pupils, and working in partnership with parents and carers, very seriously.