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At Clarendon Primary Centre, the science curriculum aims to support the development of scientists who, through an understanding of science, are able to gain interest from everyday activities, like taking a walk, cooking a meal or playing in the playground.  Through developing a greater understanding of the world around them, individuals can respond with delight and wonder. Our curriculum encourages creativity, effective communication, creative thinking, the ability to ask and try to answer questions and a sense of awe and wonder.  Children will learn how to ask questions and plan ways to find answers through observation, experimentation, classification and investigation.   The skills learnt as a scientist will support independent living, the science content taught at Clarendon Secondary Centre and future employment.  Our curriculum emphasises the importance of developing scientific enquiry skills and assumes that knowledge will be developed through investigation and enquiry.  This curriculum has been developed from the content of the Early Years and Key Stage 1 programmes of study, with additional content from aspects of the Key Stage 2 curriculum. There are also links to the life skills curriculum and topics of interest to ensure a broad and balanced offer for our pupils.